Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hilary Duff In The Recording Studio

Hilary Duff is looking gorgeous and happy pregnant and is apparently due in March, so not long to go now. She was spotted this week coming out of a recording studio which means she might be preparing for a new album before motherhood. Hilary is expecting a baby BOY with hubby, NHL player Mike Comrie. [...]

SO … the plan for yesterday was for a mostly lazy day followed by a pretty lazy night at the movies with my BFF Darion. At some point yesterday, after I finished watching Empire Records but before I got around to watching Sister Act (what? don’t judge …) David and I were invited by our friends Gray and Jeff to attend a “Britney Spears Power Hour Cocktail Party” (I’m putting it in quotes because that’s how David explained it to me). Intrigued, I decided to turn off the TV … get dressed … and attend this fabulous sounding event. Once I was out of the house and breathing that fresh air stuff, I decided to make a night of it and … yes, go out DRINKING and DANCING. Yes, this sounds like normal Saturday night fare but … I honestly haven’t been out in West Hollywood for at least a year so … it was a special occasion indeed.

The Britney Spears Power Hour was fun … a bunch of folks gathered around a TV (well, a computer monitor actually but it was a really big computer monitor) and watched an hour-long compilation of Britney Spears videos, live performances, etc. It was a veritable Britneypalooza so, yeah, I was in heaven basically :)

After Britney, we made our way to Palihouse for drinks then to The London for dinner then to Mickey’s for more drinks (and go-go dancers) then to a new club called Rasputin:

Darion met up with us at Rasputin and, well, I don’t really remember much after that. I’m telling you, I’m way too out of practice to party like we did last night. It was fun but I’m telling you, I’m deffo good on the party scene for at least another year. I vaguely remember dining on a burger and fries at some point after midnight but … maybe I dreamed it? I dunno.

Today will DEFFO be very different. I’m gonna get around to watching Sister Act (and prolly Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit) and then Darion and I will likely go see our movie. I hope YOU are having a fabulous Sunday. Happy Weekend one and all!

PS: You should watch Sister Act with me … I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised how much you still really like that movie ;)

current event articles
time to retire
voyage equitable
plat vegetarien
meilleur placement financier

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