Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Best Holiday Movies You MAY Not Have Seen!

This ADORABLE Muppet Christmas movie (above) never got a theatrical release, so we're betting a lot of U didn't see it!
We're ALSO guessing most of U haven't seen a bunch of other holiday movies that we've just re-discovered….
CLICK HERE to view a gallery of the BEST holiday movies U may not have seen…but should!!!!!!!

It's official. India is a truly magical place! Something about being here is indescribable!

On our second day here we explored more of Mumbai, a city filled with some of India's richest - and its poorest.

We've never been, but Mumbai feels like what Cuba would be like to visit.

While India is very much it's own thing and unlike any other place in the world, what we love most about the time we've spent here thus far is the reminder of how different yet similar we all are.

We've been eating our face off, which is OKAY. We plan to go hard in January! And we've been fortunate enough to have a great guide to take us around town and fill us on on everything we wanted to know - from the history of the city, to the people, the culture, the religions and more.

Can't wait to experience the rest of the country!!!

CLICK HERE to see a lot more photos from our trip to India!

CLICK HERE to see a lot more photos from our trip to India!

CLICK HERE to see a lot more photos from our trip to India!

retirement and wills
matelas literie
anti rides
Michael Heizer

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