Thursday, March 22, 2012

Former SNL Writer Found Dead Of Apparent Suicide

Yesterday, the body of 63-year-old former Saturday Night Live writer Joe Bodolai was found by a cleaning crew in a Los Angeles hotel room.
Sources say that Joe had been staying at the hotel for over a week, and a bottle of antifreeze & Gatorade were found in his room.
After reading his apparent suicide note, which [...]


We kinda knew the drama was still boiling in Aunt Viv, but this confirms it.

Remember when we showed you the picture above?? It was such a fun reunion, but when the original Aunt Viv was asked why she didn't attend, she had some strong words to answer with!

Janet Hubert says:

There will never be a reunion as I will never do anything with an a$$hole like Will Smith. He is still an egomaniac and has not grown up. This constant reunion thing will never ever happen in my lifetime unless there is an apology, which he doesn't know the word.

Say whaaa???

Uhm, we're pretty sure Will comes across as one of nicest guys in Hollywood. Aunt Viv, what's really the matter here?

A lot of people think she's just still bitter after being fired, pointing the finger at Will because she can't take responsibility for her own bad attitude!

Even Will once said:

She said once, 'I've been in the business for 10 years and this snotty-nosed punk comes along and gets a show.' No matter what, to her I'm just the Anti-Christ.

Well UR not to us, Will! And honestly, we could have a Fresh Prince reunion without her! Just like the series...ha!


[Image via Will Smith's Facebook]

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