Sunday, March 20, 2011

Was It Just Us????

What do YOU think about Britney's new music video for Hold It Against Me??

I LOVE it! It is one of her best videos ever!
I'm disappointed with it, but I don't hate it!
It sucks!

View Results

What do YOU think about Britney's new music video for Hold It Against Me??

It sucks! (19%)

I'm disappointed with it, [...]

We don't hate it, but….

Wasn't she supposed to be dancing in this video????

Like, REALLY dancing????

Where is it????

We blame a lot of it on the editing, but…. it was probably edited like that on purpose, to mask the fact that something happened, like we've all suspected, and our beloved Brit Brit can't dance like she used to.

This video will also do nothing to squash those rumors that a dance double was used for some bits, like the final setup with the black dress.

Britney looks good in the video, but it's not what we were expecting. It's not what we were told we were gonna get!

If she spent weeks and weeks rehearsing choreography, as her reps say she did, we wanted to see that!!!!

Plus, the concept could have been stronger. Really, a soundstage???? Also, she's done the meta/reflection/camera/paparazzi/fame thing before!


We wanted to love it! But at least we don't hate it!

What do U think????

P.S. We enjoyed the fight scene in the video, like the one in Mariah's Heartbreaker where she fights herself. And the day glo paint, like in Willow Smith's Whip My Hair video was cute too! And, of course, the lips, like in Rocky Horror!

Paying homage to other artists is very in right now!

P.P.S. We aren't hating. We LOVED the Womanizer and Circus video! (If You Seek Amy and 3 were disasters, though.)

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